Dr. Eva L. Scheller

Starting summer 2025, I will be an assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Stanford University. The new laboratory will focus on understanding the formation, evolution, and habitability of planetary bodies as investigated through analyzing spacecraft mission datasets, laboratory experiments to recreate space conditions, and computational modeling of planets. Specifically, we focus on geochemical rover, satellite, and laboratory datasets (e.g. spectroscopic or isotopic) and how these inform our understanding of planets.

We are currently seeking interested postdocs and students, please contact the email on this website.

I am currently a Heising-Simons 51 Pegasi b postdoctoral fellow at MIT and a visiting researcher at Stanford. I graduated with a PhD in geological and planetary sciences from Caltech in 2022 and a B.Sci. in geosciences from University of Copenhagen.

Learn about me

About Me

I come from Lyngby, a small town just outside of Copenhagen, Denmark. As a young child, I became fascinated by the awe-inspiring geological processes that shape Earth while exploring the Norwegian and Swedish mountains during hiking trips. I found a similar passion for the other planets in our Solar System by staring into the night sky by the flickering light of the camp fire.

Data Analysis

A lot of my research requires developing image and data processing algorithms in python, MATLAB, and IDL or working with software such as GIS and ENVI.

Lab Work

My projects involve a large variety of analytical techniques, including mass spectrometry, IR and Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and Fluorescence, microscopes, vacuum lines etc.

Field Work

Some of my projects have required doing geological mapping and sampling around the world. In the field, I have also worked with portable IR spectrometers, XRF, XRD, and water sampling equipment.

Current and Past Research Projects

Portfolio of current and past research projects. Click to learn more.

Mars science

Using satellite and rover data as well as isotopic modelling to understand the geological and climatic history of Mars

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In prep or in review

Scheller, E. L. et al. (in press). Inorganic Interpretation of Luminescent Materials Encountered by the Perseverance Rover on Mars. Science Advances.


Bosak, T., Shuster, D., Scheller, E. L. et al. (2024) Astrobiological potential of samples acquired by the Perseverance rover at the sedimentary fan front in Jezero crater, Mars. AGU Advances, 5, p.e2024AV001241.
Siljestrom, S. (…) Scheller, E. L. et al. (2024). Evidence of Sulfate-Rich Fluid Alteration in Jezero Crater Floor, Mars. JGR Planets, 129, e2023JE007989.
Wogsland, B. (…) Scheller, E. L. et al. (2023). Science and Science-Enabling Activities of the SHERLOC and WATSON Imaging Systems in Jezero Crater, Mars. Earth and Space Science, 10, e2022EA002544.
Scheller, E. L., Miquela Ingalls, John Eiler, John Grotzinger, Ury Ryb (2023). The mechanisms and stable-isotope effects of transforming hydrated carbonate into calcite pseudomorphs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 354, 146-164.
Corpolongo, A. (…) Scheller, E. L. et al. (2023). SHERLOC Raman mineral detections of the Mars 2020 Crater Floor Campaign. JGR Planets, 128, e2022JE007455.
Scheller, E. L., , Razzell-Hollis, J., et al. (2022). Aqueous alteration processes and implications for organic geochemistry in Jezero crater, Mars. Science, 378, doi: 10.1126/science.abo5204.
Bell, J. (…) Scheller, E. L. et al. (2022). Geological and Meteorological Imaging Results from the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover in Jezero Crater. Science Advances, 8, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abo4856.
Farley, K. (…) Scheller, E. L. et al. (2022). Aqueously-altered igneous and sedimentary rocks on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars. Science. doi: 10.1126/science.abo2196.
Scheller, E. L., John Grotzinger, Miquela Ingalls (2021). Guttulatic calcite: A carbonate microtexture that reveals frigid formation temperatures. Geology. doi: 10.1130/G49312.1.
Razzell-Hollis, J. (…) Scheller, E. L. et al., (2021). A Deep-Ultraviolet Raman and Fluorescence Spectral Library of 62 Minerals for the SHERLOC instrument onboard Mars 2020. Planetary and Space Science, 209, 105356.
Scheller, E. L., et al. (2021). Formation of magnesium carbonates on Earth and implications for Mars. JGR: Planets, 126, 7, e2021JE006828.
Scheller, E. L., Bethany L. Ehlmann, Renyu Hu, Danica Adams, Yuk Yung (2021). Long-term drying of Mars by sequestration of ocean-scale volumes of water in the crust. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.abc7717
Gao, A. F. (…), Scheller, E. L. et al. (accepted). Generalized Unsupervised Clustering of Hyperspectral Images of Geological Targets in the Near Infrared. IEEE Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum workshop series (PBVS).
Stack, K. M. (…) Scheller, E. L. et al. (2020. Photogeologic Map of the Perseverance Rover Field Site in Jezero Crater Constructed by the Mars 2020 Science Team. Space Science Reviews 216, 127.
Scheller, E. L. and Ehlmann, B. L. (2020). Composition, Stratigraphy, and Geological History of the Noachian Basement Surrounding the Isidis Impact Basin. JGR: Planets 125, e2019JE006190.
Scheller, E. L., et al. (2018). Ocean redox conditions between the snowballs – Geochemical constraints from Arena Formation, East Greenland. Precambrian 319, 173-186.

Take a look at my presentations

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Presentations and Abstracts

First Author Oral Presentations

Scheller, E. L. et al. SHERLOC investigations of the Jezero delta reveals preservation of organic compounds, AGU Annual Meeting, Abstract# 1068963 (2022)
Scheller, E. L. et al. First-Results from the Perseverance SHERLOC Investigation: Aqueous Alteration Processes and Implications for Organic Geochemistry in Jezero Crater, Mars, LPSC 53, Abstract# 1652 (2022)
Scheller, E. L. et al., Crustal Hydration of Ocean-scale Water Volumes Controlled Martian Climate and Habitability, DPS Annual Meeting, Abstract# 308.05. (2020)
Scheller, E. L. et al., Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Hydrated Carbonate Transformation Goldschmidt (cancelled due to COVID-19), Abstract# 2020001664. (2020)
Scheller, E. L. et al., The History of Water on Mars as Constrained Through Hydrogen Isotopes LPSC 51 (cancelled due to COVID-19), Abstract# 2326. (2020)
Scheller, E. L. et al., Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Hydrated Carbonate Transformation Caltech Geoclub. (2019)
Scheller, E. L. and Ehlmann, B. L., Composition and Impact Deformation of Noachian Basement West of Isidis, Mastcam-Z Team Meeting. (2019)
Scheller, E. L. and Ehlmann, Isidis Megabreccia Composition, Size, and Formation History, LPSC 50, 2019, Abstract #2033. (2019)
Scheller, E. L. and Ehlmann, B. L. Composition and Impact Deformation of Noachian Basement Surrounding the Isidis Basin, Mars, GSA Annual Meeting, Abstract #322778. (2018)
Scheller, E. L. et al., Composition, Impact Deformation, and Geological History of Noachian Basement in the Surrounding of the Isidis Impact Basin, Mars 2020 4th Landing Site Workshop. (2018)
Scheller, E. L. and Ehlmann, B. L. , Composition and Impact Deformation of Noachian Basement West of Isidis, LPSC 49, Abstract #1385. (2018)
Scheller, E. L. et al. Ocean Redox Conditions between the Snowballs – Geochemical Constraints from Arena Formation, East Greenland. Goldschmidt, Abstract #2018002204. (2018)

First Author Poster Presentations

Scheller, E. L. et al., Investigating the origin of luminescent materials in the crater floor and delta of Jezero crater, Mars, AGU Annual Meeting, Abstract #1293635 (2023).
Scheller, E. L. et al., How hydrated carbonate pseudomorphs track frigid paleoclimatic conditions: Paragenesis and clumped isotope systematics, AGU Annual Meeting, Abstract #806224 (2021), invited.
Scheller, E. L. et al., Crustal Hydration of Ocean-scale Water Volumes Controlled Martian Climate and Habitability, LPSC 52, Abstract #1666 (2021)
Scheller, E. L. et al.,Crustal Hydration of Ocean-scale Water Volumes Controlled Martian Climate and Habitability, AGU Annual Meeting, Abstract# 684085 (2020).
Scheller, E. L. et al., A Novel Approach To Integrated Time Series Analysis of Anthropogenic Gas Emissions, AGU Annual Meeting, Abstract # 683693. (2020)
Scheller, E. L. and Ehlmann, B. L., Stratigraphy and Geological History of the Noachian Basement on the Western Rim of Isidis Basin, LPSC 50, Abstract #1515. (2019)
Scheller, E. L. and Waight, T., Mineral Chemistry of the Hohonu Dike Swarm. Nordic Magma Chamber Processes Meeting. (2017)

Selected Co-author Presentation

Beegle, L. (…) Scheller, E. L. et al., An overview of SHERLOC Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy results obtained during Perseverance’s Green Zone Campaign at Jezero crater, Mars. AGU Annual Meeting, Abstract #924652. (2021)
Gao, A. (…) Scheller, E. L. et al., Generalized Unsupervised Clustering of Hyperspectral Images of Geological Targets in the Near Infrared using Autoencoders. AGU Annual Meeting, Abstract #806089. (2021)
Pinkston, D. (…) Scheller E. L. et al., WISER - A Customizable, Extendable Visualization and Analysis Tool for Imaging Spectroscopy Data. AGU Annual Meeting, Abstract #953619. (2021)
Alwmark, S. (…) Scheller, E. L. et al., Detailed orbital mapping highlights relationships among Jezero Crater Floor units. GSA, Abstract #369062. (2021)
Simon, J., Scheller, E. L. et al., Characterizing the Stratigraphy of the Nili Planum Region outside Jezero crater: Implications for Mars 2020 Strategic Planning, LPSC 52 (2021).
Pinkston, D. (…), Scheller, E. L. et al., A WISER Software Toolkit for Imaging Spectroscopy Visualization and Analysis, AGU Annual Meeting. (2020)
Kah, L., Scheller, E. L., et al., Depositional Relationships Between Crater Floor Materials in Jezero Crater, Mars. LPSC 51 (cancelled due to COVID-19). (2020)
Weiss, B. P., Scheller, E. L. et al., Megabreccia at Northeast Syrtis major and its importance for Mars science, LPSC 49. (2018)

Want to learn about my other projects?

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Teaching, Outreach, and Organizations

Portfolio of current and past teaching, organizations, and outreach work

Expert interviews

I am always happy to share my knowledge with the public through interviews at newspapers (Times Magazine, MIT Review, National Geographic, BBC, ABC, etc.), TV news stations (BBC World & Danish National News), podcasts (Strange New Worlds, We Martians), and youtube videos (NASA – ask a scientist series, JPL, geopop)


I have helped spread the joys of science as a science advisor to the "Real World Math" book by Scholastic, mentor in Letters to a Pre-scientist, a judge at Future Engineers for the Mars 2020 naming contest, and an organizer in Youth Science Association of Denmark


I have been a teaching assistant for Caltech courses: Planetary Surfaces and Remote Sensing. I have also worked professionally as a private teacher in Natural sciences, Math, Geography, and English at MyAcademy

Caltech Student Organizations

I have been an international orientation leader and active member in the student council, particularly in the international and athletics committees

CV and Resume

Click to download my CV

Click to download my resume

Contact Me

Interested in my work?

Contact me via my email: eschelle@mit.edu

Find me in my office at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bldg 54, Office 712
Cambridge, MA, 02139